how did we get our start


Design Fitness started out as a quest for the perfect exercise to help limit injuries and improve performance. Over the years it has changed in purpose and application and now stands to create the foundation on which health and fitness are achieved. Its purpose is no longer athletic performance based but rather on preserving the integrity of our body throughout the challenges of life. We are proud to say that we are currently one of the only programs in Toronto that solely applies health and fitness to lifestyle, gaining our client's unique benefits on top of the ones already associated with exercise and health.

what’s at the heart of design fitness

We embody the will of hope. This is when you put your heart and soul into achieving a dream, and put forth positive action to its completion, ultimately inspiring others with this hope. This is the heart that beats within Design Fitness. 

Hope theory


our approach to modern life

The programs and services we offer may not be exactly what you would think of when you think of fitness, but we aim to solve modern-day challenges in a big way. We address the effects of stress and aging on the body. The unique, lifestyle-based approach allows us to take on these larger issues from more than one perspective. This means a longer lasting and more complete change from a health and exercise point of view. We are all about restoring the body back to balance because we know that in this way it will not only be strong, but healthy as well.

promoting health that lasts

We practice the Healing Art of Exercise which not only has a strong base in common health practices but also improves their effectiveness by understanding what links them together. It establishes a way to integrate all of this additional information into a practical form that blends with your lifestyle and personality all while creating a system of self-maintenance. This means that as you go about your new daily activities the result will be the goals you have accomplished will continue to benefit you.

The best way to understand the difference we make is to experience it! Email us to request a complimentary mini-consultation.


What is the number one rule of Self-Care? Check out Self-Care 101


Noel Miller

Founder and

 Self-care expert

"It is not just the skill itself but the mind that wields it."


Most people are okay with 60-70% success. We make our living helping you achieve the rest.


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